Access subfolder on axigen webserver

As there is no Nextcloud-Integration available right now in Axigen, I am trying to install nextcloud on the same machine like axigen.

I tried placing the nextcloud files in a subfolder e.g. /var/opt/axigen/webmail/default/nextcloud or /var/opt/axigen/webmail/nextcloud

but I get β€œThe requested url was not found on this server.”

Can you tell me where I have to put the nextcloud Folder so that I can reach it under the axigen-url
myserver.tld/nextcloud and the same port (443).

Beste regards,

The path:
is correct, but you need to specify the html file.


I asked this in the old forum:

Need to log out to see it though.

Hi @Norlig

thank you very nuch for the hint and the link to the old forum.
Calling Nextcloud this way is still not possible cause php does not seem to be supported. The default starting page in nextcloud is index.php.

So it seems we have to wait for axigen drive to be released :frowning:

Or do you have an idea how to solve the php problem?