Error while adding a listener in Log Server Settings

Hello everyone
I added a listener in Log Server Settings and when i try to enable the listener with enable button i get this error:
“An error has occurred: Cannot assign requested address”
Just to inform you there is also another listener with the IP: and that works but the listener i added with the IP of my SIEM doesn’t work.
Any Idea?!

Hello Yashar,

In case you are using a Linux installation please check the output of the following command:

ip a

and double check that the IP address you like to configure into the new listener is listed into there.

In other words you could not enable a listener with an IP address that is not “present” on your server.


Hello Indreias

My problem solved with adding listener per each service like IMAP, SMTP and … and not adding the listener in Syslog settings.
Didn’t know why but it worked!

Thank you