proxy for kaspersky av & anti spam in CLI


how to set proxy for kaspersky av & anti spam in CLI?

Hello Frank,

Please use the following CLI commands to reach the needed context (AS or AV):

config server > config filters > update integratedFilter Kaspersky-AS


$ telnet 0 7000
Connected to 0.
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to AXIGEN's Command Line Interface
You must login first. For a list of available commands, type HELP
<login> user admin
<password> ********
For a list of available commands, type HELP
+OK: Authentication successful

<#> config server
+OK: command successful

<server#> config filters
+OK: command successful

<server-filters#> LIST IntegratedFilters

The list of Integrated Filters:

name         | type            | enable
axigen-tnef  | managedCommand  | yes
cyren        | managedCommand  | no
Kaspersky-AS | externalCommand | no
Kaspersky-AV | externalCommand | no

+OK: command successful

<server-filters#> UPDATE IntegratedFilter Kaspersky-AS
+OK: command successful

<server-filters-integrated#> help
The commands available for the IntegratedFilter context are:
EXIT/QUIT - exits CLI and closes connection to AXIGEN
HELP - prints this help message
BACK - cancels any changes made and switches back to the previous context
DONE - saves the changes and switches back to previous context
SHOW [ATTR <param>] - shows information about this context

LIST ConfigParams - lists the config parameters

SET [name <name>] - sets the name of the filter - only usable in an UPDATE operation
SET [type <type>] - sets the type of the filter
SET [command <cmd>] - sets the command to start the external daemon
SET [requestTimeout <timeout>] - sets the timeout until a request made to the filter expires
SET [enable <yes|no>] - enables/disables the filter

ADD ConfigParam name <name> value <value>
REMOVE ConfigParam name <name>
UPDATE ConfigParam name <name> value <newValue>
SHOW ConfigParam name <name> [ATTR <param>]

UPDATE database
SHOW databaseUpdateStatus
+OK: command successful

<server-filters-integrated#> LIST ConfigParams

The list of config params for this filter:

name                                   | value
checkAgainstHiddenListsOfRecipients    | yes
checkSenderIpAddressInDNS              | yes
checkSenderIpAddressWithReverseDNS     | no
dnsRequestTimeout                      | 10000
enableEASUS                            | no
enableReputationFiltering              | no
enableStatusProbableSpam               | yes
fromToContainDigits                    | no
fromToContainNoDomain                  | no
i18nScan                               | yes
libraryDirectory                       | kas
licenseDirectory                       | kas
maxEmailSize                           | 16
messageCheckTimeout                    | 0
proxyServerHost                        |
proxyServerNTLMAuthorization           | no
proxyServerPort                        | 8081
scanAttachmentsForSPAM                 | txt html
scanForObsceneContent                  | no
scanningQueueSize                      | 1000
scanningThreadCount                    | 2
scanUsingContentFiltration             | yes
scanUsingDNSBLDefaultList              | yes
scanUsingImageRecognition              | yes
scanUsingSenderPolicyFramework         | yes
scanUsingSURBLDefaultList              | yes
scanUsingUrgentDetectionSubsystem1     | no
scanUsingUrgentDetectionSubsystem2     | no
senderAddressEqualsRecipientAddress    | no
spamEmailsExecutableScriptsInHtmlParts | no
spamEmailsHiddenElementsInHtmlParts    | no
spamEmailsIncorrectTagsInHtmlParts     | no
spamEmailsNoTextImageOnly              | no
spamRecognitionStrictness              | standard
subjectContainsDigitOrTimeID           | no
subjectContainsWSOrDots                | no
subjectTooLong                         | no
trustExchange                          | no
udsRequestTimeout                      | 3000

workingDirectory | kas

+OK: command successful