event onConnect { set (allowedCountries_0, " "); set (bannedCountries_0, ""); set (isGeoIPBanned_0, "%isGeoIPBanned%"); set (GeoIPResult_0, "%GeoIPResult%"); call (WA_Acceptance_basic_banner); } event onEhlo { call (WA_Greylisting); call (WA_Acceptance_basic); call (WA_Routing_basic_delivery); call (WA_Routing_basic_relay_from_1); call (checkSPF); call (WA_AntiSpam_SPF_OnEhlo_Fail); call (WA_AntiSpam_SPF_OnEhlo_Err); call (WA_AntiSpam_SPF_OnEhlo_None); call (wizard_generated_relay); } event onMailFrom { call (checkSPF); call (WA_AntiSpam_SPF_Fail); call (WA_AntiSpam_SPF_Err); call (WA_AntiSpam_SPF_None); call (WA_Blacklist); call (Exceptions_Greylisting); call (Exceptions_SPF); } event onRcptTo { } event onHeadersReceived { } event onBodyChunk { } event onDataReceived { call (Check_DomainKeys_and_DKIM); } event onRelay { call (WA_Routing_basic); call (create_a_FQDN); } event onDeliveryFailure { } event onTemporaryDeliveryFailure { } event onProcessing { } method WA_Acceptance_basic_banner { set (smtpGreeting, "mail.ammeterheights.org"); } method WA_GeoIP { if ( anyOf ( isCase (isGeoIPBanned_0, "no") ) ) { } } method WA_Greylisting { set (activateGreylisting, "no"); } method WA_Acceptance_basic { set (maxDataSize, "10240"); set (maxReceivedHeaders, "30"); set (maxRcptCount, "1000"); set (waitProcessingTimeout, "10"); set (allowStartTLS, "yes"); set (allow8bitMime, "yes"); set (allowBinaryData, "yes"); set (allowPipelining, "yes"); set (localDelivery, "auth"); } method WA_Routing_basic_delivery { set (remoteDelivery, "none"); } method WA_Routing_basic_relay_from_1 { if ( anyOf ( ipRange (remoteSmtpIP, "") ) ) { set (remoteDelivery, "auth"); } } method WA_AntiSpam_SPF_OnEhlo_Fail { if ( anyOf ( isCase (SPFResult, "fail") ) ) { set (smtpAction, "reject"); set (smtpExplanation, "SPF check failed for <%ehloHost%> with result <%SPFResult%>: <%SPFExplanation%>"); } } method WA_AntiSpam_SPF_OnEhlo_Err { if ( anyOf ( isCase (SPFResult, "temperror"), isCase (SPFResult, "permerror") ) ) { set (smtpAction, "reject"); set (smtpExplanation, "SPF check failed for <%ehloHost%> with result <%SPFResult%>: <%SPFExplanation%>"); } } method WA_AntiSpam_SPF_OnEhlo_None { if ( anyOf ( isCase (SPFResult, "none") ) ) { } } method wizard_generated_relay { if ( anyOf ( ipRange (remoteSmtpIp, ""), ipRange (remoteSmtpIp, "") ) ) { set (remoteDelivery, "all"); } } method WA_AntiSpam_SPF_Fail { if ( anyOf ( isCase (SPFResult, "fail") ) ) { set (smtpAction, "reject"); set (smtpExplanation, "SPF check failed for <%ehloHost%> with result <%SPFResult%>: <%SPFExplanation%>"); } } method WA_AntiSpam_SPF_Err { if ( anyOf ( isCase (SPFResult, "temperror"), isCase (SPFResult, "permerror") ) ) { set (smtpAction, "reject"); set (smtpExplanation, "SPF check failed for <%ehloHost%> with result <%SPFResult%>: <%SPFExplanation%>"); } } method WA_AntiSpam_SPF_None { if ( anyOf ( isCase (SPFResult, "none") ) ) { } } method WA_DNS_Checks_RDNS { if ( anyOf ( isCase (ReverseDNSResult, "neutral"), isCase (ReverseDNSResult, "fail") ) ) { set (smtpAction, "reject"); set (smtpExplanation, "Reverse DNS check failed for <%ehloHost%> connected from <%remoteSmtpIp%>"); } } method WA_DNS_Checks_MX { if ( anyOf ( isCase (SenderMXCheckResult, "fail") ) ) { set (smtpAction, "reject"); set (smtpExplanation, "Sender domain <%mailFromDomain%> has no DNS MX entry"); } } method WA_Blacklist { if ( anyOf ( match (mailFrom, "diderotj262@ammeterheights\.org"), match (mailFrom, "diplomatagent@eathlink\.net"), match (mailFrom, "essexls2@hotmail\.com"), match (mailFrom, "essexlss22@hotmail\.com"), match (mailFrom, "junta@globalserve\.net") ) ) { set (smtpAction, "reject"); set (smtpExplanation, "Your email address is blacklisted"); } } method Exceptions_Greylisting { if ( anyOf ( ipRange (remoteSmtpIP, ""), isCase (mailFromDomain, "gmail.com"), isCase (mailFromDomain, "yahoo.com") ) ) { set (activateGreylisting, "no"); } } method Exceptions_SPF { if ( anyOf ( isCase (mailFromDomain, "domain1.tld"), isCase (mailFromDomain, "domain2.tld") ) ) { set (smtpAction, "accept"); set (smtpExplanation, "Accepted due to requested SPF exception"); } } method Check_DomainKeys_and_DKIM { call (checkDomainKeys); call (checkDKIM); } method WA_Routing_basic { set (sslEnabled, "no"); set (allowStartTLS, "yes"); set (allowedSSLVersions, "tls11 tls12 "); } method create_a_FQDN { set (ehloHost, "mail.ammeterheights.org"); }