Add Certificate over symlink?


my SSL LetsEncrypt certificate gets renewed over certbot on my server. Now i would like to use that cert in my axigen server. I’ve tried to symlink it into /var/opt/axigen/letsencrypt/DOMAINNAME but axigen won’t recognize it.

Does axigen not work with symlinks? Is there some config setting I need to enable?


The mentioned folder is dedicated to LE certificates managed by Axigen.

Our recommendation is to symlink the certificate(s) you are managing via certbot from /var/opt/axigen/certs folder.

Also, when a certificate is renewed you have to restart Axigen service as otherwise it could not detect that a change on disk was applied for that certificate.


Thanks for the reply!

Symlinking to /var/opt/axigen/certs did not work either.
Making /var/opt/axigen/certs the base dir for certbot is technically a solution, but a bad one.

I solved it now by extending the cronjob that runs the certificate renewal to also copy the certificate to /var/opt/axigen/certs after a successful renewal.