I did the update yesterday, concluded with no errors shown. I stopped everything but the Webadmin service before running the update. (this is how I have done previous updates).
The Webadmin GUI was then frozen. Rebooted and altough ps -ef shows Axigen to be running no web features can be accessed. I am searching for a way to restart the webadmin via cli. Reinstall of update made no difference. Rebooting again also does not start Web services. This is a Axigen install on full Ubuntu.
Logon into CLI and:
config server
config webadmin
start service
save config
and it should work.
Also, you may edit axigen.cfg from /var/opt/axigen/run folder and in the first line add webadmin in the same way other services are mentioned there (you may see older files saved in the same folder and how exactly looks that line when it contains webadmin on the first line). After you have made a change into axigen.cfg you need to apply it by service reload or restart.
Thank you so much for your help. I find however that since this a full version of Ubuntu I do not know of a way to “log into” axigen. And there seems to be no “config” command, searches of the entire machine do not find a single instance of “config”. This is probably because it is a full version of Ubuntu. I loaded Ubuntu and then installed Axigen. This is probably a good reason not to do this.
Also, the first Stanza of axigen.cfg is Webmin.
Based on that I found that it is running on port 9000 but I cannot log into it so far, which is much further than I was.
I’m very frustrated with this. It’s a two person mailserver and has been a formidable task to first get it working and then maintain it.
Thanks for your help but I think I am going to delete it and install something else that is less hassle. As soon as I find one that is.