Axigen + Docker + Nginx


i took now serveral attemps on deploying the Axigen docker image in my already existing docker environment with a homepage and couple other containers running behind a Nginx container.

The container starts well with the following command after doing intial setup with the default ports:

docker run --name=mailserver -dt -v /data/mailserver:/var/opt/axigen -e -e -e axigen/axigen

(ports arent shared because the container shares the same network as my nginx which shares the ports)
Initial setup of the container worked when i used the default the startup command like below.

docker run --name=axigen -dt -v :/var/opt/axigen -p 443:443 -p 9443:9443 -p 993:993 -p 995:995 -p 25:25 -p 465:465 -p 9000:9000 -p 7000:7000 axigen/axigen

I configured my domain in the webadmin panel and edited some ports that might conflict with already running containers.

In general i am using letsencrypt to supply certificates. As far as i know the nginx registers the virtual hosts and handles request on for example to the appropiate port of if the correct port is shared.

My issue now is i can access the webadmin panel only if i directly share the port of the Axigen container and thats basically it. If i let nginx handle it i cant access any panel at all.
I did made a dns A record for the subdomain mail already together with an MX record with and priority 10 but can’t access anything else.

Any ideas what i did miss?