Axigen Mail Docker configuration


I have a personal MailServer running on CentOS and Axigen I am working to migrate to a different Linux server I am staying with Axigen as it runs very well. I just tried out the Docker install and did a migration as a test and I am very please with the simplicity.

However, There is way for me to enable Spamassassin, ClamAV or configure the Self-signed certificate. Has anyone here had any success with this? I would like to use the Docker environment I have may other application running this way and was pleased to see the option but with no AV or Spam blocking I may have to just build a new server and do it the old fashion way.

Thanks in advance for your time.


Our advice is to use a dedicated container for SpamAssassin (for example this one) and configure Axigen to connect to it*. Same approach should work for ClamAV as well.


* in axigen.cfg update the address for “AV:Spamassassin” from the default value (inet:// to the one specific for your installation (like below), restart Axigen and enable Spamassassin built-in external application filter from WebAdmin > Security & Filtering > Antivirus & AntiSpam > Supported Applications (ignore that you may get ‘could not connect’ status for this particular configuration)

         name = "AV:SpamAssassin"
         address = "inet://"
         protocolFile = "/var/opt/axigen/filters/spamassassin.afsl"
         idleTimeout = 300
         actionOnMatch = pass
         maxConnections = 10
         maxMessageSize = 10240

Yes, Thank you.
I am very novice with some of the use of Axigen “built-in external” application support.
I will give this a try and report back.

Thanks for replying… :slight_smile:


I have implemented the Axigen Docker container with separate containers for ClamAV and Spamassassin.
I edited the axigen.cfg and made the changes below:
name = “AV:SpamAssassin”
address = “inet://”
protocolFile = “/var/opt/axigen/filters/spamassassin.afsl”
idleTimeout = 300
actionOnMatch = pass
maxConnections = 10
maxMessageSize = 10240
name = “AV:ClamAV”
address = “inet://”
protocolFile = “/var/opt/axigen/filters/clam-av.afsl”
idleTimeout = 300
actionOnMatch = pass
maxConnections = 10
maxMessageSize = 10240

However as you stated I see this:

How do I know it is working??

I am seeing this in the logs:
PROCESSING:00315699: Filter ClamAV([ERROR]: [failsafe] Error reading from filter. Remaining in failsafe mode

Thanks in advance for your help.

I saw this error today in the queue.

Not sure if that helps.

Thanks again in advance for your help.


From your post from 21 Nov we see that you have configured the AV:ClamAV filter to connect to but the error copied from the PROCESSING log shows that the filter is configured with

Have you restarted the Axigen docker after changing the address for this filter?

Could you try sending a test message (for example from WebMail, From “poastmaster” account To “postmaster” account) and post here the entire PROCESSING log lines (before this test please set PROCESSING log level to Communication Protocol in order to have more information saved into the logs).


You are correct the IP listed is wrong. My fault I have been changing the IP’s in my post for security reason and I missed that one. So you are very good at reading and detail. Please ignore the IP. They all match in reality. Sorry for that. It is a security process I follow for my day t day job also.

But again it seems the ClamAV is not communicating but the Spamassassin seems to be working. Logs look good and when mail comes it I can see SpamAssassin working. Just ClamAV is failing.


Reading my last post and may be a bit confusing.

The IP’s are correct but the ClamAV not working. However my 3 day trial is over and I would have to build it again to test. I guess I will go with Basic Linux install since I could not get this to be successful.