Axigen only for business?

Hello forum user,

is Axigen for the privat using at home too, or is it only for business?

Best regards timo1

You can use it with 5 user free license in your home.

Hi Timo,

as @Mohammad already wrote: There is the 5 user free license.
However: Please know, that there are quite a few culprits, if you want to actually set up and use a mail server from home.
Depending on where you are living, there are a few things you might want to keep in mind:

  • ISPs blocking SMTP ports
  • Blacklists blocking “Dynamic” IP Ranges, ie. ranges of IP addresses used by ISPs to assign to their customers (Rather common in Germany and the Netherlands, for instance)

So if you want to give Axigen a test spin or use it for home or family: you might want to see if a VM at a hosting company might be a solution:
Hetzner, DomainFactory (JiffyBox), Rackspace, Amazon, Azure etc. etc. etc.
For ~ 5 EUR / Month you can get a decent VM, fixed IP address and a standard Linux OS and you’d avoid all those culprits.

Cheers and good luck!


thank you for your answers Jeroen and Mohammad. With “home” i mean a VPS (thank you for the description Jeroen). No a server at my home. I think it is not so good to host a mailserver at home.

If i “buy” a free license, so what will happen with my data at the registration?

Best regards

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The software requirements seem to state one must have a fixed IP address. Are you saying that an IP address that changes will not work with the software. I understand that even a Cloud VM requires one to pay extra for a fixed IP address, maybe significantly more. It seems that Cloud VMs do some sort of DNS where the server is visible to the internet, but even while running it can change, or change when restarted.

Also what is the smallest Linux cloud VM that will work on Amazon or Linode or other? I also looking at the free version for my personal use. Also what is the recommended Operating System image that one would use at the VM vendor.

Hello Grant,

No, the software requirements doesn’t need a fixed IP address but using the installation in the best condition does.

It is very simple to use Axigen on a system that does not have a fixed IP address as soon you manage:
1/ constantly updating the needed DNS records with the current IP address of the installation
2/ nobody is blocking your outgoing TCP sessions to “Internet”, on port 25
3/ do not care about usually presence of dynamic IP addresses into different DNSBL lists

Now, coming back on your question the recommended installation is the Linux one (RPM or DEB based, both are fine). In terms of minimal requirements you should be fine with any VM that are providing at least 2 CPU cores and 1 GB for a free license installation.


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Hi Grant,

to elaborate a bit more on Indreias’ reply:

Of course, in theory, you can use a dynamic IP and Dynamic DNS providers.
Most of them also offer tools or scripts, which recognize if your IP address has changed and will change the DNS entries for you.
However: You will be running into issues, as Indreias already mentions.
On the one side, there’s a the DNSBL blacklist - which often block “dynamic ranges” from most major providers. So, anybody who’s having a DSL or Cable connection with a provider that does not guarantee you a static IP address, will run into that issue.
On the other side: Even if senders or recipients do not use these Blacklists, a whole slur of other issues will pop up:

  • Reverse DNS Lookup Name Mismatch: When your Mail-Server responds on HELO / EHLO with “” for your current IP, the other side will likely check the hostname behind the IP address through their DNS server.
    And that will very like show something like “grants.dynamic-IP.provider.bla”.
    The other mail server will (If it’s configured properly) immediately flag this and either refuse further communication or at least increase SPAM rating for your server.

So, over all: Get yourself a small server somewhere. It’ll cost you a few $ / month, but at least it’ll save you a lot of stress, grey hairs etc. etc.

With the specs, Indreias posted, you should get one for 2-3 $ a month.
