Axigen patches update script - Linux

Ok…I’m having trouble running this script.

  1. First it downloaded RAW!! So, I just selected the text and and named a file
  2. Ran said file ./
  3. Results:
    m@mx:/home/m# ./ /opt/axigen/bin/axigen
    bash: ./ Permission denied



Before running the script make the script file executable. The commands should be similar with:

chmod +x
./ axigen



Wonderful, thanks for the script. It makes updating a lot more easier. :grinning:

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Note: this script requires which and curl to be installed on your system.

Stay tuned - both dependencies will be removed on next release :wink:


Awesome, this script will replace my own Shellscript I’ve created some time ago. :tada:

Will this script also get published on your public github account like the automation tools?
This could simplify the deployment for some of us (ex. git clone).

The scrip is great! However :slight_smile: it would be nicer to have an updated .deb, .rpm and us that to install :slight_smile:

Why isn’t just possible to use docker pull and get a new image with the patches applied?


Currently a new docker image is created only when a new Axigen version is available (like for .rpm and .deb installers and all the other supported deployment methods). If and when the deployment policy will be changed we’ll announce via our newsletters.


I’m using Linux / x64 , WebAdmin version , We need auto update option of Axigen patches update .
Just one click the option, it will be auto update !!!

Helal Uddin

My apologies for not being a linux guru but this would have been much easier if your example had actually said

  ./ axigen

rather than


or even let the script run without a parameter and just prompt with a list of supported services.

Just my two cents


Do you have the same script for upgrading active/passive setup?

Thank you

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Is there update to this script? Because after updating axigen to X4, I get this:

DEB based distro detected

Axigen binary detected: /opt/axigen/bin/axigen
Axigen working directory detected: /var/opt/axigen

sed: can’t read /var/opt/axigen/webmail/default/config.hsp: No such file or directory
sed: can’t read /var/opt/axigen/webadmin/config.hsp: No such file or directory
Axigen binary version: 10.4.1
Webmail interface version:
Webadmin interface version:

Your current version (10.4.1) have no available patches

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The update script is not supporting the new installation method introduced by X4 (via deb or rpm packages).

Ioan (819 Bytes)
Here is a little script i wrote to retrieve last version if you want

How can we update Axigen version 4 with docker? The script does not exist.


On each new release of Axigen a new docker image is pushed to docker hub.

To upgrade your deployment you will have to recreate the Axigen container using the new image.
