Cannot load GEoLite2-country for country filtering


Error is: “GeoIP data could not be applied!”

Tried the mmdb, and various csv files unzip and zipped, tar and untar, et cetera from maxmind.

What is to be uploaded? And take note that maxmind ceased the OLD db on 2019-01-01; therefore, GEOLITE2 is a fairly new creature.


Please know that the new GeoLite2 format is supported starting from

What version are you currently using?

I’ve just checked the upload procedure on one of our test machines and all looks fine.

In order to use Country Filtering, you must first upload an IP to country database (MaxMindDB format) from MaxMind.
Please make sure you first extract the mmdb from the tar.gz before uploading.

Just to be sure I’ll summarize the steps below (to be executed on your workstation):

1/ download latest MaxMind GeoLite2 Country MMDB archive (from here)
2/ extract the archive locally and locate GeoLite2-Country.mmdb file
3/ login into WebAdmin and go to Security & Filtering > Additional AntiSpam Methods > Country Filtering
4/ Press Upload Database button and choose the above mentioned MMDB file
5/ You should get a green pop-up message saying GeoIP data successfully updated


I had just done a fresh download of a brand new install. That version does NOT support the maxmind db. I performed the axigen “update” and the maxmind mmdb load succeeded.

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