Delegate Queue-Monitoring

my monitoring alarms me, when there is a certain number of files in the queue.
So far so good, but I don’t have the time (and the customer doesn’t want to spend the money) to log in to the admin interface every time, to see why an e-mail is not being delivered.
Hence I would like to delegate this to an employee of the customer, so he can directly inform his colleagues, if there’s a typo somewhere etc.

I have tested this with the available admin-users, but I have not found any option that enables an admin user to actually see the queue.

Am I missing something - or isn’t that functionality available?


Hello Jeroen,

The queue resource could not be splitted by domain objects thus you should check permissions at server level.

Now, as we identified the category of permissions we like to add to our delegated admin let’s check what should we choose. Because there is no specific “queue view” permission and because the queue view is available under “processing” section the minimal permission to be used is: “manage processing”.

I’ve tested on one of our test instances and one delegated admin with such permission is able to access the items from the queue.

On the other hand the mentioned permission will allow to access any email present into the queue (and not only for specific domains). Also, the processing options could be altered meaning that on a multi tenant installation you may find this permission too permissive.

Now, if all you need is an alert when a message was not sent due to typo errors (translated into Domain lookup error fail info) than you may consider to build a script based on mqview tool (from /opt/axigen/bin) that could find such items and send a report to the person in charge.

This is an example of the mqview output:

[root@test ~]# /opt/axigen/bin/mqview /var/opt/axigen/queue/07/SDD75
Mail item state file version: 7.2
Mail Queue view of file : /var/opt/axigen/queue/07/SDD75
    ID                  : 07DD75
    State               : SEND FAILURE
    Flags               : 00000104 (isLocal)
    Source type         : local
    Sender ip           :
    Local receiving port: 0
    Last Mail Version   : 0001
    Receive date        : Mon, 25 Jan 2021 06:00:01 +0200
    Next Send Schedule  : Tue, 26 Jan 2021 14:19:22 +0200
    Delay Delivery      : As Soon As Posible
    Retry Count         : 14
    Reverse Path        : root@disabled
    Authenticated Path  : root@disabled
    Sender name         : <>
    Original RCPT count : 1
    Number of RCPTs     : 1
    Empty parameter list
    Data filter info[00]:
        1^AV:Tnef#                      : 00000002:00000000:00000000:00000001:00000000:00000000
            Saved RCPT state            : PROCESSING
            Saved RCPT input version    : 0000
            Saved RCPT output version   : 0001
    Data filter info[01]:
        #0A#                            : 00000002:00000000:00000001:00000001:00000000:00000000
            Saved RCPT state            : PROCESSING
            Saved RCPT input version    : 0001

    RCPT information for: root@disabled
        State           : PROCESSED - RELAY
        Flags           : 00002004 (slfCalled)
        Message flags   : 00000000
        Mail Version    : 1
        Destination mbox: INBOX
        Failure Info    : Domain lookup error



Just curios, do you do the monitoring from SNMP?

Thanks @indreias ,
I somehow must have missed that!

no, at the moment I am monitoring the server and the services using Monit and MMonit.
For the amount of files I use a small shell-script.

Hello @all,

Just a heads up: beside SNMP the queue size could be monitored (starting from Axigen X3 Update 2) via the integrated Prometheus exporter, which is available at <webadmin_URL>/metrics (delegated admins will need Manage Reporting server side permission).
