DKIM generated and validated but not working?

I use windows server 2012 R2. I created the DNS DKIM records, following the documentation tutorial.
Doing the validation through these tools, says that everything is ok:

Administrative panel configuration:

In the test I did sending to my email, it ends up going to junk mail. Looking in the logs after sending, I find the following:

2021-02-21 02:32:05 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:00000000: << SSL: client hello, remote, version TLS 1.3 (0304)
2021-02-21 02:32:05 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:00000000: << SSL: client hello, remote, 21 cipher suites: c02cc02bc030c02f009f009ec024c023c028c027c00ac009c014c013009d009c003d003c0035002f000a
2021-02-21 02:32:05 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:00000000: << SSL: client hello, remote, sni extension for
2021-02-21 02:32:05 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:00000000: >> SSL: server hello, remote, version TLS 1.2 (0303)
2021-02-21 02:32:05 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:00000000: >> SSL: server hello, remote, cipher suite c02f
2021-02-21 02:32:05 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:00000000: >> SSL: server write cert, remote, version TLS 1.2 (0303)
2021-02-21 02:32:05 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:00000000: >> SSL: server write cert, remote, certificate 1: serial 04774C19E78823186B5491FC227B89A9A156
2021-02-21 02:32:05 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: [] connection accepted from []
2021-02-21 02:32:05 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 220 vps159681 Axigen ESMTP ready
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << EHLO BrunoDesktop
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: Set remote delivery to auth
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: Greylist enabled
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: Set max data size to 10240 KB
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: Set max received headers to 30
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: Maximum recipient count set to 1000
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: Wait for processing response at least 10 seconds
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: STARTTLS extension allowed
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: 8BIT MIME accepted
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: BINARY DATA extension allowed
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: PIPELINING extension allowed
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: DSN extension denied
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: Set local delivery to all
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250-vps159681 Axigen ESMTP hello
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250-PIPELINING
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5 GSSAPI
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250-AUTH=PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5 GSSAPI
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250-8BITMIME
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250-BINARYMIME
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250-CHUNKING
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250-SIZE 10485760
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250-HELP
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250 OK
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << AUTH DIGEST-MD5
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 334 bm9uY2U9IlU1SndOak9UczN5TlNDREgzakYvZUNheWE0UHYxQzNDaWgzQkwwK1BFQVU9IixyZWFsbT0idnBzMTU5NjgxIixxb3A9ImF1dGgiLGNoYXJzZXQ9dXRmLTgsYWxnb3JpdGhtPW1kNS1zZXNz
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << SASL client response
2021-02-21 02:32:06 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 334 cnNwYXV0aD0wOWE0MmQ1ZDJjYmE1YzU3NjIyOTZhYzAyMTMwYjhiNQ==
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << SASL client response
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 235 Authentication successful
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: session from [] authenticated by <>
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << MAIL FROM: <>
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: Created new queue item with id 001C5E8C
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: SPF result for MAIL FROM <> issued from EHLO domain <BrunoDesktop> connected from <>: Pass (spfHeader = ''; spfExplanation = 'SPF pass for authenticated connection')
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250 Sender accepted
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << RCPT TO: <>
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250 Recipient accepted
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << DATA
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: Skip greylist for authenticated session
2021-02-21 02:32:07 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 354 Ready to receive data; remember <CRLF>.<CRLF>
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << 8149 bytes read
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << 23699 bytes and final dot read
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: DomainKeys verification result: no signature
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: DKIM verification result: no signature
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Shepherd thread received signal for processing
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set recipient <> state to RECEIVED
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set mail state to PROCESSING
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Start processing mail
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set recipient <> state to PROCESSING
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Start filter AV:Tnef of type socket filter from server
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Processing started
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Shepherd thread finished processing signal
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 16 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: << welcome to Axigen TNEF Decoder (1.2.0)
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 16 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: >> filter|
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 16 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: >> C:\Axigen Mail Server\\queue\1C\D5E8C.00
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 16 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: >> |
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 16 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: >> C:\Axigen Mail Server\\queue\1C\D5E8C.01
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 16 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: << done
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Filter AXI-TNEF([PASS]: pass - no changes
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Finished filtering mail object 1C5E8C with filter: AV:Tnef of type socket filter from server
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set recipient <> data version to 1
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set recipient <> state to PROCESSING
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Start filter onProcessing event
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: The message has been signed using DomainKeys
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: The message has been signed using DKIM
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Finished filtering mail object 1C5E8C with filter: onProcessing event
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set recipient <> data version to 2
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set recipient <> state to PROCESSING
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set recipient <> state to PROCESSED - RELAY
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set mail state to PROCESSED
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Processing finished
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Shepherd thread received signal for delivery
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Shepherd thread finished delivery signal
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Start mail delivery
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set mail state to SENDING
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Start remote delivery for 1 recipients in domain
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Use plain connection
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: STARTTLS extension allowed
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Allowed ssl versions set to: tls11 tls12 tls13 
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Relay mail using default host: <>
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 DNR:001C5E8C: Search MX for ''
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 DNR:001C5E8C: Sending query (1/1) to
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 DNR:001C5E8C: Sending query (1/1) to
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 DNR:001C5E8C: '' found MX '' with priority 2
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 DNR:001C5E8C: '' found MX '' with priority 2
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 DNR:001C5E8C: Sending query (1/1) to
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Relay mail: found IPv4 MX entry for domain with priority 2
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Relay mail: found IPv4 MX entry for domain with priority 2
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Use to relay mail 1C5E8C for domain
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Relay mail 1C5E8C: connecting to
2021-02-21 02:32:09 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Relay mail 1C5E8C: connected to
2021-02-21 02:32:09 +0100 02 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: SSL error remote, SSL_connect:failed in SSLv3/TLS write client hello
2021-02-21 02:32:09 +0100 02 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: SSL error remote, SSL_connect:failed in SSLv3/TLS write finished
2021-02-21 02:32:09 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Start sending mail 1C5E8C
2021-02-21 02:32:09 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Release mail 1C5E8C
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Release mail 1C5E8C
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Data sent for mail 1C5E8C; server response: 2.6.0 <008701d707f9$c06a6bd0$413f4370$> [InternalId=5665061883239,] 41234 bytes in 0.313, 128.350 KB/sec Queued mail for delivery -> 250 2.1.5
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Set recipient <> state to SENT
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Delivery attempt completed for mail 1C5E8C; schedule for cleanup
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Set mail state to SENT
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Shepherd thread received signal for cleanup
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Start mail cleanup
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Mail removed from queue
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Set mail state to REMOVED
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: New mail <008701d707f9$c06a6bd0$413f4370$> received from BrunoDesktop ( with envelope from <>, authenticated as <>, recipients=1 (, size=31842, enqueued with id 1C5E8C
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 250 Mail queued for delivery
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: Shepherd thread finished cleanup signal
2021-02-21 02:32:10 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-OUT:00000008: Disconnected from
2021-02-21 02:32:12 +0100 08 vps159681 IMAP:000002AB: [] connection accepted from []
2021-02-21 02:32:13 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: << QUIT
2021-02-21 02:32:13 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 221-vps159681 Axigen ESMTP is closing connection
2021-02-21 02:32:13 +0100 16 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: >> 221 Good bye
2021-02-21 02:32:13 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: closing session from []
2021-02-21 02:32:13 +0100 08 vps159681 IMAP:000002AB: User [] successfully authorized!
2021-02-21 02:32:17 +0100 08 vps159681 JOBLOG:B0000038:[headers]: Sort index update finished (1 inserts, 0 deletes, 0 updates, 15.317310 ms)
2021-02-21 02:32:18 +0100 08 vps159681 WEBADMIN:00000296: Session 0x682CCE44 associated with this connection
2021-02-21 02:32:21 +0100 08 vps159681 JOBLOG:8200002C: Finished updating mail index for user (1 inserts, 0 updates, 0 deletes, 0 folder deletes, 0 optimizations, 0 vacuums, 26.309768 ms)
2021-02-21 02:32:23 +0100 08 vps159681 WEBADMIN:00000299: Session 0x682CCE44 associated with this connection
2021-02-21 02:32:25 +0100 08 vps159681 WEBADMIN:0000029A: previous line is repeated 4294967295 time.
2021-02-21 02:32:25 +0100 08 vps159681 WEBADMIN:0000029A: Session 0x682CCE44 associated with this connection

What intrigues me is the information:
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: DomainKeys verification result: no signature
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 SMTP-IN:000002A9: DKIM verification result: no signature

As I understand it, DKIM is not being used. That’s right? I would like help.


I did a validation test of the email sent at and the result was as follows:

It is not really validating the email with the generated key.

Hello Bruno,

No, that lines show that the incoming message is not signed, which is expected as the message is not from an external email address but from an internal one, that is using an authenticated session to send his message.

Now, the DKIM signature is made via PROCESSING service and you will see the lines like:

2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: The message has been signed using DomainKeys
2021-02-21 02:32:08 +0100 08 vps159681 PROCESSING:001C5E8C: The message has been signed using DKIM

The best way to double check if the DKIM is well implemented is by sending a message to a Gmail / Yahoo email address and check the Authentication-Results headers added by their SMTP gateways.


Hello Indreias,

Thanks for the answer.

Everything seems to be set up and I don’t see what else to do.

In the case of gmail the message comes back with the following reply:

552 Mail rejected by the processing module: 5.7.1 [ 12] Our system has detected that this message is 5.7.1 likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, 5.7.1 this message has been blocked. Please visit 5.7.1 5.7.1 for more information. m18si25220278wru.147 - gsmtp

In the case of hotmail it goes to the spam box with the following header:

Received: from
 (2603:10d6:103:69::20) by CP4P284MB1476.BRAP284.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM with HTTPS
 via CPYP284CA0033.BRAP284.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; Thu, 4 Mar 2021 13:32:46 +0000
Received: from
 (2a01:111:e400:fc65::50) by (2a01:111:e400:fc65::395)
 with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
 cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3912.11; Thu, 4 Mar
 2021 13:32:45 +0000
Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is;; dkim=pass (signature was
 verified);; dmarc=pass action=none;compauth=pass reason=100
Received-SPF: Pass ( domain of
 designates as permitted sender); client-ip=; helo=vps159681;
Received: from vps159681 ( by ( with Microsoft SMTP
 Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id
 15.20.3912.9 via Frontend Transport; Thu, 4 Mar 2021 13:32:43 +0000
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=2021;
 c=relaxed/relaxed; q=dns/txt; h=from:date:to:cc:message-id:subject;
DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1;
 c=nofws; q=dns;; s=2021;
Received: from BrunoDesktop ( by vps159681 (Axigen)
 with (ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 encrypted) ESMTPSA id 062BF2;
 Thu, 4 Mar 2021 13:32:38 +0100
From: <>
To: <>
Subject: teste de envio de email
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2021 10:32:37 -0300
Message-ID: <001c01d710fa$d9249240$8b6db6c0$>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related;
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 16.0
Thread-Index: AdcQ+s9wrJ6BZOe3Rsa77fUxY7EJNQ==
Content-Language: pt-br
X-AXIGEN-DK-Result: Ok
DomainKey-Status: good
DKIM-Status: good
X-IncomingHeaderCount: 19
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-ExpirationStartTime: 04 Mar 2021 13:32:43.6800
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-ExpirationStartTimeReason: OriginalSubmit
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-ExpirationInterval: 1:00:00:00.0000000
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-ExpirationIntervalReason: OriginalSubmit
X-EOPAttributedMessage: 0
X-EOPTenantAttributedMessage: 84df9e7f-e9f6-40af-b435-aaaaaaaaaaaa:0
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-MessageDirectionality: Incoming
X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthAs: Anonymous
X-MS-UserLastLogonTime: 3/4/2021 1:17:07 PM
X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: e9334596-a248-44ba-1494-08d8df11fdb4
X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: MW2NAM12HT129:
X-MS-Exchange-EOPDirect: true
X-SID-Result: PASS
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-PCL: 2
X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0;
X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 04 Mar 2021 13:32:43.3202
X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: e9334596-a248-44ba-1494-08d8df11fdb4
X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 84df9e7f-e9f6-40af-b435-aaaaaaaaaaaa
X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Anonymous
X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Internet
X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: MW2NAM12HT129
X-MS-Exchange-Transport-EndToEndLatency: 00:00:03.1844404
X-MS-Exchange-Processed-By-BccFoldering: 15.20.3912.022
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL: 6

My score is close to 100. I don’t understand = /


From the headers of the message received into the Hotmail test account I see that all is fine regarding SPF and DKIM:

Authentication-Results: spf=pass (sender IP is;; dkim=pass (signature was
 verified);; dmarc=pass action=none;compauth=pass reason=100

Now, why the messages sent from your server are still rejected (by Gmail) or placed in Spam folder (by Hotmail) you should continue to check into other place, like your sending IP reputation.

I’ve checked your IP ( here and found that it is listed into UCEPROTECT Level 3 RBL and the explanation is that your IP belongs to a network (OVH, AS=16276) that have sent a high number o spam messages (Spam score = 130, level 1 listed abusers within the last 7 days = 1022).

Their recommendations are:

Please send a complaint to your provider and request they fix this problem immediately.
Think about this: You pay them so that you can use the Internet without problems;

If they are ignoring your complaint or claiming they can’t do anything, you should consider changing your provider.
There are currently about 105,000 providers worldwide, but only a few hundred make it to get listed into UCEPROTECT-Level 3.

According to the statistics measured against the mailflow of several national authorities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, those few providers which often end up in our Level 3 are responsible for 50 - 75% of all global spam, while almost no real mail came from their networks and ranges.
