Domain Failing To enable

Good day, All,

Kindly note that I recently installed axigen 0 on the centos server. I have 5 domains configured on the server, however, yesterday after rebooting the server one of the domains was disabled, but when I try enabling the domain, I am getting the below errors.

Axigen log: WEBADMIN:00000002: Failure: error in enabling domain ‘’ (Domain storage error)
Server log: Nov 14 08:04:57 mctoyota Axigen[44178]: ERROR: DomainManager(’/var/opt/axigen/domains/’): domain storage open failed (Domain storage error)

There is currently enough space on the server and the domain takes only 34Gb out of 700Gb
Your assistance would really be much appreciated.

Hello Maretha,

From information you have shared I see that the maxFileSize for Domain Storage of domain is set to 1048576 kB (which means 1GB).

My advice is to increase it (via WebAdmin > Domains & Accounts > Manage Domains > Edit domain > Storage > Storage Locations > Domain storage location > Max File Size: 2 GB) and retry to enable it.

If you still have some errors try to increase Max File Size parameter for Object Storage to 2GB as well (just in case it has the same 1GB value).

:warning: Important note :warning: Try to avoid overpassing the recommended 2GB size. If the domain could still not be enabled after setting this value please contact our support team so they could review more carefully your particular situation.

Also, please try to update to latest 10.3.3 patch (which currently is so you will benefit from any fixes that have been recently made.


Thank you very much for the assist. I tried what you shared and I’m still getting the same error. I will definitely contact support.