Fail2ban not banning ip

Hello all,

Please be patient with me i am rather new to this stuff. I have encountered a problem during configuration of fail2ban in conjunction with azigen when following this guide: Increase Brute-Force Attack Protection - Fail2Ban Linux | Axigen.

I have altered the jail.local file as described. When issuing the following command: sudo fail2ban-client i got the following error:

fail2ban [2571]: ERROR Failed to access socket path: /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock. Is fail2ban running?

reading another guide:

i detected this guy omitted the first line in jail.local so i’ve put a hashtag in front of the first line. This resulted in the following output:

|- Number of jail: 2
`- Jail list: axigen, sshd

I first thought this worked, but soon i found out no ip’s got banned.

What am i missing here,

Kind regards kees

Hello Kees,

Could you please share the content of the fail2ban.log file for the moment when there are some authentication errors logged in Axigen security.txt file?
