How do I setup Axigen Acceptance and Routing rules to ONLY use one Auth method

Hello Community,

I am quite new to Axigen (or mail servers) so please bear with me.

I am trying to set up the mail server to authenticate logins through various login types, Normal login, LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5 and GSSAPI methods.

I can’t seem to get my head around the setup, how do I set up the rules to restrict all authentication types but one?

I would want to ideally set up rules to restrict all but one authentication type.
I am doing this to test a mail clients ability to pass through various authentication types.

The reason why I would like different authentication methods is that I’m using Axigen to perform tests on my software’s ability to send via an SMTP server. While this mail server does send/receive email its not for production use.

Currently, when sending mail, in Axigen logs, I can see the following:


It seems like the mail server is accepting any of the following auth methods (Please correct me if I am misunderstanding that log entry).

What sort of rule would I create under Advanced settings in Acceptance and routing to turn these methods all off but one?

Any guidance would be massively appreciated.

How to enable/disable certain authentication mechanisms for the SMTP Receiving service.

Securing SMTP Services

These two links should get you started :wink:


Hello Gosha,

I understand your point as it is not so obvious to set the authentication type on STMP.
This could be done via an Advance Acceptance Rule (from WebAdmin > Security & Filtering > Acceptance & Routing > Advance Settings) like:

  • click on add new rule
  • provide a meaningful name for the rule
  • at condition put your specific one(s) - like: local port is 25
  • at actions set the desired authentication types via Authentication > SSL connection / Plain connection

For example I would disable at all all authentication types and enable, on 587, authentication only on secure connections like the capture from below:



Thank you so much for the guides and an actual example!

I had set up various SMTP listeners but didnt realize I had to assign ports in the rule conditions!

I am now able to block off authentication methods and continue with my testing.

Thanks again!

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