How move storage in a new folder

I added two ssd to the server in raid 1.
i created a folder called ssd-storage-folder
I would like to move the Domain storage location and the Object storage location to this folder.
it’s possible?
if it is possible, how?


You may use the following steps:

  • stop the Axigen service
  • move the domain and object storages to the new location
  • ensure that the axigen system user has ownership and access on the files from the new location
  • edit the Axigen configuration file and update the paths of the domain and object storages to match the new location
  • start the Axigen service

For example, if the domain definition in axigen.cfg is:

        domainName = "abc.test"
        domainStorageLocation = "/var/opt/axigen/domains/abc.test?maxFiles=128&maxFileSize=1048576"
        domainObjectStorageLocation = "/var/opt/axigen/domains/abc.test/objects?maxFiles=128&maxFileSize=1048576"
        messageStorageLocations = (

        enable = yes
        enableMACLSupport = yes
        activationLevel = 100
        activateWithoutParent = no

Then the new domain definition will be:

        domainName = "abc.test"
        domainStorageLocation = "/new/location/abc.test?maxFiles=128&maxFileSize=1048576"
        domainObjectStorageLocation = "/new/location/abc.test/objects?maxFiles=128&maxFileSize=1048576"
        messageStorageLocations = (

        enable = yes
        enableMACLSupport = yes
        activationLevel = 100
        activateWithoutParent = no

In order to move the domain storage, you will move all the files from the /var/opt/axigen/domains/abc.test/ directory as per the above example into the new directory, without any of the subdirectories.

For example:

# ls /var/opt/axigen/domains/abc.test
00.hsf  calendar.idx  email.idx  hsf.dat  log.hst  messages  messages2  messages3  objects  sort.idx

You would move the files:


to /new/location/abc.test/ directory.

In order to move the object storage, you will move the /var/opt/axigen/domains/abc.test/objects directory.

Best regards,

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