Local Email Delivery


Many of the services we use in our intranet send emails: the scanner, gitlab, wekan, etc.

Traditionally, before using axigen, we would whitelist the particular IPs of the devices/services that produce email over our private network.

With axigen, we are struggling. How is this supposed to be done?

So far, I have created an specific smtp-incoming listener, so that we can use intranet SSL certificates, and a rule in the routing to allow messages from an specific local IP.

However, SPF checks are failing, I think they happen before this routing rule.

What is the best way to handle internal (intranet-only) email with Axigen?

Why don’t you let them authenticate?
Most appliances / Printers etc are capable of authenticating against the SMTP server?

I tried, but the SPF issue persists

Please know that if your intention is to exclude the email messages sent from a certain IP address from the SPF check in Axigen then you may create the following SMTP acceptance rule:

  • navigate into the Webadmin interface to Security & Filtering -> Acceptance & Routing -> Advanced Settings

  • click the ‘Add Acceptance / Routing Rule’ button

  • write a suggestive name for the rule

In the Conditions section:

  • select Remote address -> Ip -> add the condition -> type the IP address in the textbox

  • select DNS checks -> SPF -> add the condition -> select “Fail” in the combo box next to ‘Spf result is’

  • Important : at the top of the conditions section select ‘ALL of the conditions below’, in the combo box next to ‘For incoming messages that match’

In the Actions section select SMTP -> action -> add the action -> select “Accept” in the combo box next to ‘SMTP action’ -> optionally type an explanation in the textbox, for example: SPF exception for my.host.name

  • save the rule

Thank you.