Mail Relay with SSL not working

Hi all !
Just started playing with the axigen free edition for private use.
So far i used to use a 10 year old version of Kerio but that is history.

the actual domain is hosted by my provider. i use the email server to collect a lot of free email accounts and push those to my 3 outlook users in the family.

i send emails out via relay. for now thats is mailjet.

my problem:

un the advanced routing tab where i configure the smart host it looks like above.
as soon as i turn on SSL though, i cant send mails anymore.

originally i wanted to send through my provider and then switched to mailjet. both ways run into an SSL error.
So i am very sure its a layer 8 error ( read as: my error). But i am stumped as to what.

Maybe someone can point me into the right direction ?
Thanks a lot.

For this purpose you need to know which type of encryption is supporting by your provider?

Hello KG,

Could you please share the value for Outgoing delivery settings > Connection settings > Use cipher suite as it is not present in your capture.

If there is any empty value or none please change it to ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:AES128-GCM-SHA256:RC4:HIGH:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH and let us know if the problem still persist.

Also, please change DH (Diffie-Helman) parameter file from none to axigen_dh.pem.

From our side we have detected the following ciphers accepted by on port 587:

ssl3:   -
tls1_3: -
