Reset configuration

hello to everyone,
I’m trying to configure axigen and unfortunately I have some issue with email, I can’t send/receive email.
I think the best choice is to reset everything and restart to configure step by step.
Someone knows if it’s possible to reset to default value, please let me know.
Thanks in advance for your support

Hello Roberto,

In order to start with the default configuration for entire Axigen service you just have to start with no configuration file.

This means that you have to identify the configuration file axigen.cfg from run folder under Axigen working directory (in Linux, the default location should be /var/opt/axigen/run) and copy it to into your own backup location.

After that you just have to stop Axigen, remove the configuration file and start Axigen.

Hopefully you know what to do from this point :wink:


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Thank you! so much!!!
I hope now to setup properly…
