SET FLAG (STAR in Thunderbird) by Axigen message rule - Is is me, or is it a missing basic feature?!


I just can not find a way to make a message STARRED by message rule.
I am sure it is me. It just can’t be real that Axigen has not got this function.

Please help me out!
Thank You!

Hello Zsolt,

Most probably there is a misunderstanding as the way to “flag” a message is very simple: using webmail + setting a new filter with the action set to: “Flag: follow-up”.


Thank You indreias!

I always forgot Axigen’s logic to remove the functions from webadmin to give functions to users in webmail (like RemotePOP). :frowning:

In the past I was one of the lucky ones who had access to a Merak mail server and after that, Axigen seems to be a toy. :frowning:

Hope Axigen will do a rework, and give the ability to do EVERYTHING in the webadmin as an administrator, and do not have to make logins to a Webmail interface in the name of the user to set settings that should be set on the server itself.

Thanx again!
I am sad…

Hello Zsolt,

No need to be sad - especially in this time of the year :christmas_tree:

I understand that you like to have the option to choose all WebMail available actions (like Flag) from WebAdmin interface as well. As it may sound like an omission from our side if this is what you really need I’ll open an internal ticket for it.

All my best,

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Thank You again indreias!

I am sorry to be so rude!
I just like the way where everything is centralized, and the same functions are at the same place.
Ok, the user could have the ability too, to set themself many options as well.

Anyway… :slight_smile:
I’d like to set rules in webadmin to add flag (star) as You showed me.
I’d like to add a second condition that must meet too in order to set a flag.
The First condition is ERR 20 in the Body.
The Second should be “From” contains “Cobian Backup”.
The Second condition never meets somehow… In the mail client the From is: “Cobian Backup some text some text”
So, From is not the real From as I see. Ok. Understood.
Then I’d like to filter every header (the ones i do not know exist too!), so would like to use Custom header filtering, and the custom header should be ANY, %ANY%, asterix, or something like this.
What variable can I use to achieve filtering every possible header in the mail?

Thank You!

Hello Zsolt,

You are right: the “From” condition is referring to the email address (like user@domain.tld) that is detected into that specific header.

Now, if you need to set a condition based on the content of the entire From header than you should use the Custom condition, complete the empty field with “From” and from here all should be clear.

Is this working?


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Hello Ioan!

That custom “From” header trick worked! Thank You!
Could You please help me out with a link (if any) to a documentation of the variables that can be used in the filter function?

Again: thanx for helping me with Axigen mysteries! :wink: