Why does Bitdefender AntiSpam never update?

My BitDefender AntiSpam never updates.

How is this meant to work, and why isn’t it doing so? (no, I have no proxies in use)

Anyone??? I’m a bit worried Axigen can’t answer this…

Hello @stuclark

First, can you provide more details regarding you Axigen deployment like Axigen version and OS that host Axigen.


I’m using Axigen 10.5.19 on Windows 2019 server.

As you can see, Antimalware can update, but Antispam never does!


This is a know issue and is only an inconsistent information provided by Bitdefender service. The AntiSpam componet is most probably up to date. To confirm this you may check the Bitdefender log file available by default in C:\Program Files\Axigen Mail Server\log\bitdefender.txt
