Axigen and ActiveSync

Hi all,

Looking at this Axigen KB article …

… and the axigen.cfg example …

autodiscoveryParams = {

enableIMAPAutodiscovery = yes
enablePOP3Autodiscovery = no
enableSMTPAutodiscovery = yes
enableWebDavAutodiscovery = yes
autodiscoveryDefaultUrls = {
httpAutodiscoveryUrl = ""
imapAutodiscoveryUrl = "imaps://"
pop3AutodiscoveryUrl = "pop3s://"
smtpAutodiscoveryUrl = "smtps://"
webDavAutodiscoveryUrl = ""

… is “/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync” just an example or is it the default Url built-in to Axigen?

I assume we want the clients to be able to read the autodiscover section in axigen.cfg so pointing a client to our mail.domain.tld:443 is one thing, but we still need to tell a client where the configuration information is.

This is the URL that HAS to be used for Activesync, no matter what the email server software is. The Activesync discovery protocol automatically looks for that URL.

Thanks @stuclark for confirming the Url.

… and is it correct that I do not neet to create a ‘https://mydomain.tld/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml’ file, but instead with Axigen it will a reference the ‘axigen.cfg’ file and in particular the lines:

autodiscoveryParams = {
    enableIMAPAutodiscovery = yes
    enablePOP3Autodiscovery = no
    enableSMTPAutodiscovery = yes
    enableWebDavAutodiscovery = yes
    autodiscoveryDefaultUrls = {
        httpAutodiscoveryUrl = "https://mail.mydomain.tld:8443/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"
        imapAutodiscoveryUrl = "imaps://mail.mydomain.tld:993"
        pop3AutodiscoveryUrl = ""
        smtpAutodiscoveryUrl = "smtps://mail.mydomain.tld:465"
        webDavAutodiscoveryUrl = "https://mail.mydomain.tld:8443"

(I’m using port 8443 for ssl WebMail)

… or do I still need to have an autodiscover.xml file setup.

My DNS records include CNAME entries for ‘autodiscover’, ‘imap’ & ‘smtp’ that point to ‘mail.mydomain.tld’ which is an ‘A’ record.

My SSL certificate includes all the above Subject Alt Names

I think either I have something wrong, or I’m missing a piece of the jigsaw puzzle as ActiveSync still doesn’t want to play ball.

Suggestions … pointers …


No, you don’t need to create the /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml file - this is something the server will do automatically.

What you do need to do though (as you’ve said) if you’ve got multiple TLDs pointing to one ActiveSync URL (or should I say one mail server) is to create CNAME entries in your “other” domains to point to the A record in your primary domain. Aslo (again as you’ve noted) you need to have SAN (Subject Alt Names) in your primary domain’s SSL certificate whcih include all your “other” domain names.

Hi @stuclark
Thanks for replying to the thread.
In the end it turns out I was chasing a red-herring.
I thought I had ActiveSync available but unfortunately I was wrong and don’t have the ability to enable ActiveSync in Axigen. My mistake. :frowning: