Editing / creating a rule

Axigen Documentation

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Click the "New" button to create a new filter. Whether creating a new filter or editing an existing one, the options displayed are the same.

There are four steps when creating / editing a rule:

  1. Choose what conditions should the messages meet for the filter to apply.
  2. Define what messages do you want to filter.
  3. Define what you want the filter to do.
  4. Finish the Filter setup.

Click the "Finish" button once you are done creating/editing the rule.

Add conditions / edit condition operators and criteria

Select what conditions should the messages meet for the filter to apply.

To add the desired condition, simply click the check-box icon corresponding to the entry you wish to add.

Available options include setting conditions relative to the following:

  • Subject - the email's "Subject" field;
  • From - the sender address;
  • To or CC - matches addresses found either in the "To" or in the "Cc" header;
  • To - the recipient address;
  • Cc - the addresses found in the "CC" header for an email;

    For the Subject, From, To, CC, To or CC conditions, you can select the following options:

    • Contains - the rule test string is contained in any part of the searched field;
    • Does not contain - the rule test string is not contained in any part of the searched field;
    • Matches - a wildcard match using the characters "*" and "?" ("*" matches zero or more characters and "?" matches a single character);
    • Does not match - negate a wildcard match using the characters "*" and "?" ("*" matches zero or more characters and "?" matches a single character);
    • Is - the rule test string is absolutely the same as the contents of the searched field;
    • Is not - the rule test string is not absolutely the same as the contents of the searched field;
    • Begins with - the rule test string is at the beginning of the searched field;
    • Does not begin with - the rule test string is not at the beginning of the searched field;
    • Ends with - the rule test string is at the end of the searched field;
    • Does not end with - the rule test string is not at the end of the searched field.
  • Body - the email content;


    • Contains - the rule test string is contained in any part of the searched field;

    • Does not contain - the rule test string is not contained in any part of the searched field.

  • Size - the email message size;


    • Is greater than - tests if the size of an email is greater than the rule test value;

    • Is lower than - tests if the size of an email is lower than the rule test value;

    • Is equal - tests if the size of an email is equal with the rule test value;

    • Is not equal - tests if the size of an email is not equal with the rule test value;

    • Is lower or equal - tests if the size of an email is lower or equal with the rule test value;

    • Is greater or equal - tests if the size of an email is greater or equal with the rule test value;

    Supported values must have the following format: <positive-integer>(K/M/G). E.g.: 5M

  • Date - the received date of the email message;


    • after - tests if the date of an email is after the rule test value;

    • since - tests if the date of an email is since the rule test value;

    • before - tests if the date of an email is before the rule test value;

    • until - tests if the date of an email is until the rule test value;

    • on - tests if the date of an email is on the rule test value;

    • not - tests if the date of an email is not the rule test value;

    Supported values must have the following format: dd/mm/yyyy.

  • Custom - match other custom defined headers;
    For the "Custom" condition you can enter the desired header name and choose the compare option and content.

Next, select if the filtered messages should match all or any of the defined criteria via the related radio buttons.

In the second window section, edit the conditions previously selected by clicking an underlined value. After clicking the parameter you wish to set, a new window will appear, allowing you to enter the desired parameter value. Left-click on the corresponding "-" (minus) icon if you wish to remove a condition.

Click the "Cancel" or the "Next" button to quit/continue editing the filter.

Add actions / edit action operators and criteria

Further define the actions to be taken (i.e. moving, copying, deleting or redirecting it to a certain email address etc.) if an email message matches the previously specified criteria. Select the desired option by clicking check-box from the actions list.

In the second window section, edit the selected actions by clicking an underlined value. After clicking the parameter you wish to set, a new window will appear, allowing you to enter the desired parameter value.

For the "Move to" or "Copy to" actions you have a parameter, which when clicked, allows you to choose the destination folder of a message that matches the conditions of the filter.

If you choose the "Delete" action, the message that will match the filter conditions will be delivered to Trash.

When using the "Discard" option, the message will be rejected. However, no refusal (NDR) message will be returned to the sender.

If you choose the "Forward to" action, then you will be able to:

  • set the destination address for the forwarded message via the "Email" parameter;
  • set the content that will be added to the original email via the "Message" parameter;
  • choose if the original message will be forwarded in-line or as an attachment (by checking the box related to the "Forward as attachment" option).

For the "Redirect to" action, you can choose the destination account where the message will be relayed.

When using the "Auto-respond" action, an automatic reply will be sent to the email messages matching the defined filter. Use the "Subject" and the "Message" fields to define the subject and body of the email response to be sent. You can also set the "Days between subsequent responses" option and the "Additional own email addresses" (this setting will use the same responder for other recipient addresses you may have - when you receive an email with a different "To" address then your account name) options by editing their corresponding fields. An example of these settings are presented in the next screenshot.

If you wish to change the subject for specific incoming emails, use the "Change subject" action. This will allow you to append or prepend a text to the original email subject.

Click the "Cancel" / "Next" button to quit / continue editing the filter or the "Back" button to return to the conditions window.

Specify rule's name / enable rule / review the rule

Finally, use the "Name" text field to specify a name for the currently defined filter and enable it by checking the "Enable this rule" option.

In the next section, you will be able to review the rule description to make sure it is defined correctly. All parameters are directly editable from the review section. Click the required one to open the parameter edit window.

After you are done setting up the rule, click the "Finish" button.