How to Enable the Webadmin Interface

How to enable the Webadmin interface


By default, the Webadmin module listens to the 9000/tcp port and can be enabled by editing the AXIGEN configuration file (by default: /var/opt/axigen/run/axigen.cfg) and setting:
- in the server{} context:

Server {
  services = ( imap log pop3 processing smtp webadmin )
- in the webadmin{} context, the default listener:

  webadmin = {
    listeners = (
       address =
       enable = yes
- restart AXIGEN
- type: in the browser and login using the 'admin' user and the password you have previously set.

If you access the Webadmin from another machine, you need to set in the listener's "address" parameter, the IP number of the machine that has AXIGEN installed, or the "" IP, which will listen on all machine interfaces. When accessing the AXIGEN Webmail, you need to replace the "" IP from the URL, with the IP address of the machine that has AXIGEN installed.

NOTE: Starting with version 1.1 of AXIGEN, the WebAdmin interface is activated by default in the list of services, but you still need to set it to listen on a non-local IP address.