
Axigen Product Updates

This update is no longer current. The latest 10.3.3 update is Axigen See Axigen

Release Notes


  • Fix invalid message generated after multiple operations (AXI-5165)
  • Fix storage corruption after improperly stopping an instance several times (AXI-5167)
  • Log failures attempts when using WebMail and 2-Step Verification (AXI-5198)
  • Add an option to CLI repair accounts to skip scanning the entire server (AXI-5199)
  • Include usage of domain selection on login in statistics (AXI-5220)
  • Improve algorithm that generates the shared secret used for 2-Step verification (AXI-5228)
  • Add CLI command to list DAPI details for all domain objects (AXI-5237)
  • Fix storage corruption that causes a mailbox container to be used as read only (AXI-5256)
  • Fix overflow in upgrade code (AXI-5325)


  • Fix security issue allowing the injection and execution of Javascript code for admin users with specific permissions (AXI-5219 • CVE-2023-48974)
  • Fix security issues allowing the injection and execution of JavaScript for admin users with specific permissions (AXI-5246)
  • Fix WebAdmin XSS vulnerability in info_sslcerts (AXI-5291 • CVE-2023-49101)
  • Remove the Prototype Javascript library from WebAdmin (AXI-5294 • CVE-2008-7220)
  • Fix WebAdmin sessions being disconnected when using /metrics (AXI-4645)
  • Upgrade jQuery to version 3.71

How to Install

Use the Axigen Update Script for Linux

For your convenience, we have developed a Bash update script for single server Linux installs.


Update Manually

To update to this version if you are running on Linux, please follow the step by step instructions below:

  1. Download the update above and unpack the archive.

  2. Install the Axigen binary update

    1. Run the following command:

      ps aux | grep axigen

      and make sure the path of the current binary is /opt/axigen/bin/axigen

    2. Stop the Axigen service

    3. Use the command ps aux | grep axigen again to confirm that the service is stopped.

    4. Rename the current Axigen binary — /opt/axigen/bin/axigen — to something else; for example axigen-bak

    5. Copy the downloaded binary to /opt/axigen/bin/

    6. Make the new binary executable:

      chmod +x /opt/axigen/bin/axigen

    7. Set the same permissions and ownership on the current binary as the old one

    8. Start the Axigen service

    9. Use the commands:

      ps aux | grep axigen


      /opt/axigen/bin/axigen --version

      to confirm that the new binary is used.

  3. Install the Axigen WebMail and WebAdmin updates

    1. Stop the Axigen service

    2. Rename the current Axigen WebMail and WebAdmin in /var/opt/axigen/ to something else; for example webmail-bak and webadmin-bak, respectively

    3. Unpack the WebMail and WebAdmin tar.gz archives:

      tar xfz webmail-x.x.x.x.x.tar.gz

      tar xfz webadmin-x.x.x.x.x.tar.gz

    4. Copy the resulting WebMail and WebAdmin directories to /var/opt/axigen/

    5. Recursively set the ownership on the directories to the axigen system user with the commands:

      chown -R axigen:axigen /var/opt/axigen/webmail

      chown -R axigen:axigen /var/opt/axigen/webadmin

    6. Start the Axigen service

How to Install

Use the Axigen update script for Windows

For your convenience, we have developed a PowerShell update script for Windows installs.


Update Manually

To update to this version if you are running on Windows, please follow the step by step instructions below:

  1. Download the update above and unpack the archive.

  2. Install the Axigen binary update

    1. Stop the Axigen service

    2. Rename the current Axigen binary — C:\Program Files\Axigen Mail Server\bin\axigen.exe — to something else; for example axigen-exe.bak

    3. Copy the downloaded binary to C:\Program Files\Axigen Mail Server\bin

    4. Start the Axigen service

  3. Install the Axigen WebMail and WebAdmin updates

    1. Stop the Axigen service

    2. Rename the current Axigen WebMail and WebAdmin in C:\Program Files\Axigen Mail Server to something else; for example webmail-bak and webadmin-bak, respectively

    3. Unpack the WebMail and WebAdmin zip archives

    4. Copy the resulting WebMail and WebAdmin directories to C:\Program Files\Axigen Mail Server

    5. Start the Axigen service