Release Notes
- Improve conversation index logging visibility (AXI-5290)
- Fix conversation index leak while deleting folders (AXI-5275)
- Fix misleading conversation indexing warning on folders previously deleted (AXI-4758)
- Remove folders that no longer exist from conversation index (AXI-5142)
- Fix misleading conversation indexing warning on folders with \NoSelect flag (AXI-5115)
- Remove existing conversation index folders with \NoSelect flag (AXI-5274)
- Fix a debug instance crash while executing smtp filters under specific circumstances (AXI-5254)
- Fix message appender in certain scenarios(AXI-5251)
- Add CLI command to list DAPI details for all domain objects (AXI-5237)
- Fix file descriptor double close when using LDAP over OpenSSL in certain scenarios (AXI-5186)
- Fix automatic migration failure from Lotus Domino (AXI-4693)
- Fix WebAdmin XSS vulnerability in info_sslcerts (AXI-5291 • CVE-2023-49101)
- Remove the Prototype Javascript library from WebAdmin (AXI-5294 • CVE-2008-7220)
- Fix security issues allowing the injection and execution of JavaScript for admin users with specific permissions (AXI-5246)
How to Install
To update to this version on Linux, please follow the step by step instructions below:
Download the corresponding install kit for your operating system (see above)
Stop the Axigen service
Use the command ps aux | grep axigen to confirm that the service is stopped.
Create a backup of the Axigen working directory
Use the suggestions in our related knowledge base article on how to back up Axigen
Note: For the restoring process, please consult our article on how to restore an Axigen working directory backup
Run the installer
Follow the on-screen installer instructions to complete the upgrade process.
Note: Since this is only an update, please make sure that you skip the Axigen post-install configuration wizard.
Start the Axigen service
Use the commands: ps aux | grep axigen and /opt/axigen/bin/axigen --version to confirm that the new version is in place.
How to Install
To update to this version on Windows, please follow the step by step instructions below:
Download the corresponding install kit for your operating system (see above)
Stop the Axigen service
Create a backup of the Axigen working directory
Use the suggestions in our related knowledge base article on how to back up Axigen
Note: For the restoring process, please consult our article on how to restore an Axigen working directory backup
Run the installer
Follow the on-screen installer instructions to complete the upgrade process.
Note: Since this is only an update, please make sure that you skip the Axigen post-install configuration wizard.
Start the Axigen service